Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism Key Clinical Questions
11. What is the optimal VTE treatment strategy (dosing, route of administration, frequency, duration)?
a. HOMERuN institutions
Fifteen protocols (71%) addressed this question. In those that addressed the type of anticoagulant used and the duration, all were consistent with the standard recommendations for treating VTE in patients without COVID-19, i.e., LMWH, DOAC, or warfarin for at least 3 months including standard caveats for renal function, weight, mechanical heart valves, or LVADs.
b. What is Known
Information on this question has all been extrapolated from preexisting data in non-COVID patients.
c. What is Not Known
There is currently no direct evidence to inform the optimal VTE treatment strategy in COVID-19 patients specifically, though randomized clinical trials are ongoing.