04. What policies are in place to assist discharge logistics (e.g., regarding transportation)?

Discharge Criteria Key Clinical Questions

04. What policies are in place to assist discharge logistics (e.g., regarding transportation)?

a. HOMERuN institutions

Sites reported several themes that went beyond usual discharge considerations (e.g., medication supply, durable medical equipment, home health services, etc.) to aid COVID-19 patients in recovery at home:

1) arranging private transportation and ensuring the driver has a mask;

2) ensuring adequate food supply and arranging for home grocery delivery if needed (e.g., while still under quarantine); and

3) providing extra supply of surgical masks for the patient and/or family.

b. Spring 2021 Update

  • Federal and state/local guidance has changed over time (e.g., duration of isolation), and sites have had to change their policies to be consistent with that guidance