- 2-24-2025 Current Practices for Patient Transfers from Academic Medical Centers to Regional Affiliates: A Qualitative Study
- 1-27-2025 Health Equity, Antiracism, and Social Justice Group Updates
- 12-18-2024 HOMERuN Updates and Creating Sustainable Careers in Hospital Medicine
- 11-25-2024 Hospitalist Professional Fulfillment and the Cost of Turnover
- 10-28-2024 Medical Education Group Updates and IV Fluid Shortage Challenges and Best Practices
- 9-23-2024 Hospitalist Perspectives Transitions of Care Programs
- 8-26-2024 Enhancing the Diagnostic Process Through Resilient Habits
- 7-29-2024 Hospitalist Perspectives on Models of Care in the Inpatient Setting
- 6-24-2024 Artificial Intelligence Tools for Hospitalist Work
- 5-28-2024 HOMERuN at SHM Converge 2024
- 4-29-2024 Impact of EHR Behavioral Alerts on Healthcare Workplace Safety and Patient Safety
- 3-25-2024 Learners on Direct Care Service
- 2-26-2024 Learning Health Consortium for Hospital-Based Trials
- 12-20-2023 Happy Holidays from HOMERuN!
- 11-20-2023 Evolution of Hospitalist Communication
- 10-30-2023 Incorporating and Measuring Health Equity in Inpatient Care
- 9-25-2023 Administrative Harm Project
- 8-28-2023 HOMERuN Strategic Planning 2023
- 7-24-2023 Participate in Two Important Studies!
- 6-26-2023 Inpatient Models of Care Delivery for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease: People, Processes, and Systems
- 5-30-2023 Wellness Measurement for Hospitalists Focus Groups
- 5-8-2023 Special Issue: HOMERuN Updates, Successes, and Collaboration
- 4-24-2023 HOMERuN at SHM Converge 2023
- 3-27-2023 Hospitalist Advanced Practice Provider Models and Impact of CMS Proposed Billing Rules on Shared Visits Prevention and Management Focus Groups
- 2-27-2023 Prevention and Management of Behavioral Escalation in Hospitalized Adult Patients Focus Groups
- 1-23-2023 Achieving Diagnostic Excellence through Prevention and Teamwork (ADEPT) Focus Groups
- 12-22-2022 Happy Holidays from HOMERuN
- 11-28-2022 Summary of FDA Panel on Racial Bias in Pulse Oximetry
- 10-24-2022 Announcing HOMERuN Studies and HOMERuN’s Statement on Racial Bias in Pulse Oximetry
- 9-19-2022 Shared Leadership for Hospitalist Health and Safety
- 8-22-2022 Parental Leave Policies in Hospital Medicine
- 6-27-2022 Environmental Health Focus Group Discussions
- 5-23-2022 Faculty Development Focus Group Discussions
- 4-25-2022 HOMERuN at SHM: Celebration, Successes, and Collaboration
- 3-21-2022 Medical Education Focus Group Discussions
- 2-28-2022 Jeopardy Policies in Hospital Medicine
- 1-22-2022 COVID-19 Surge Workforce Management Focus Group Discussions
- 12-20-2021 HOMERuN Diagnostic Error Projects
- 11-29-2021 Provider Wellness Focus Group Discussions
- 10-25-2021 Covid-19 Anti-racism, Health Equity, and Justice Survey Findings
- 9-27-2021 Covid-19 Workforce Planning and Study Recruitments Newsletter
- 8-23-2021 Covid-19 Impact of COVID-19 on Women Providers Newsletter
- 6-21-2021 Covid-19 Patient Experience Newsletter (pdf)
- 5-12-2021 Covid-19 Discharge Planning Focus Groups (pdf)
- 4-19-2021 Covid-19 Provider Wellness Focus Groups (pdf)
- 3-22-2021 Covid-19 Clinical Practices Survey Results (pdf)
- 1-4-2021 Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy and Implementation (pdf)